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Blockly Changelog

CoDrone EDU Library Changelog

Version 2.2.2

September 18, 2024

  • Added a release version number to the menu to easily check for updates and improvements.
  • Included a link to our Privacy Policy in the menu for quick access.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking the emergency stop too quickly after running code could cause an error on the site.

Version 2.2.1

September 4, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where the console did not consistently print the correct number of outputs, ensuring reliable feedback during coding sessions.
  • Improved user interface by changing when the start flag removal warning appears to a more noticeable modal window.
  • Re-ordered RUN, LAND, STOP buttons on the Blockly interface to encourage using "Land" over "Stop" whenever possible.
  • Updated default "count with" parameters in loops to start at 0 instead of 1
  • Enabled "Open in Blockly" from documentation, automatically populating the workspace with an example from our our documentation site.

Version 2.2.0

August 21, 2024

  • Fixed a bug in "avoid_wall" where the drone would not fly forward when range sensor was below a threshold value.
  • Improved the comments in Python code generation when blocks in the workspace are disabled.
  • Improved the menu design for easier navigation
  • Added the text "Get" in front of the variable block to distinguish it from the "Set" variable block.

Version 2.1.9

August 1, 2024

  • Improved UI to display all icons when opening the side tabs
  • Fixed an issue where Blockly miscounted the number of 'start_flag' blocks, allowing users to drag more than one 'start_flag' block if the dragging event was too fast
  • Added "List" blocks to enhance coding capabilities.
  • Corrected a buzzer functionality issue
  • The console log now shows the version of the CoDrone JavaScript Library being used.
  • Integrated the "start/stop" buzzer feature from Python into Blockly.
  • Added the capability to download workspace code as a PNG file for easier sharing and documentation.
  • Corrected the URL in the release notes menu option to point to the correct resource.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect URLs displayed Apache and OS version details.
  • Resolved a problem where Blockly could load any URL after the default URL was accessed.
  • Added a "Return to Docs" button for better navigation back to the documentation in the side tab
  • Improved battery request messages in the console to reflect getting the drone state data instead

Version 2.1.8

June 12, 2024

  • Changed "color classifiers" to "color data sets"
  • Resolved bug where not all labels were loaded from a colorset
  • Disabled "code_is_running" block
  • Resolved bug where right-click delete did not delete the generated code in the Python tab
  • Implemented an alert when the user forgets to load a colorset
  • Updated Japanese translations
  • Enhanced "when start" feature that only allows one block at a time in the workspace
  • Reset the "Run code" button interface when "land" is pressed

Version 2.1.7

May 21, 2024

  • Fixed bug causing crashes when color sensor returns "unknown"
  • Enhanced takeoff command by adding checks for the drone flight state after takeoff
  • Resolved bug where some blocks don't disable when using the "when start" block
  • Implemented feature that only allows one "when start" block at a time
  • Disabled the asynchronous "when keyboard press" block to improve stability
  • Added multi-language support for the "How to Connect" popup
  • Corrected drone model display issue in the connection window without needing a refresh

Version 2.1.6

April 18, 2024

  • Fixed bug with generated Python code for avoid_wall()
  • New pop-up window When drone or controller disconnects from Blockly
  • Updated wording from "Pair with Blockly" to "Connect to Blockly"
  • Updated messaging for adding or loading a colorset with clearer instructions
  • Added a notice for JROTC edition users to first calibrate their color sensor before adding a color set
  • Back-end changes to ensure Blockly is checking for the latest versions
  • "Open" menu option only allows .XML as options
  • Back-end changes to improve timing logs

Version 2.1.5

February 26, 2024

  • Disabled battery requests during takeoff
  • Implemented an error-logging system so users can report an error from the menu
  • Implemented analytics
  • Updated firmware notifications to match latest firmware releases
  • Updated Korean-language translations

Version 2.1.4

February 14, 2024

  • Updated drone visuals to match CoDrone EDU (JROTC ed.) when connected
  • Temporarily disabled "Screen" category for JROTC ed.
  • Improvements to firmware notifications in the connection box

Version 2.1.3

January 23, 2024

  • Changed parameters on "flip" functions to match Python function parameters
  • Improved trim slider functionality
  • Updated pairing window to reflect messaging about AA batteries
  • Fixed Senior turn_degree() block
  • Fixed Senior get_pressure() block
  • Addressed backend errors to improve performance
  • Improved functionality of the drone LED feature in the connection window

Version 2.1.2

December 21, 2023

  • Added ability to change the drone LED color from the connection window
  • Created a new senior block for turn_left() and turn_right() Python functions
  • Added a link to the release notes in the Blockly menu
  • Corrected the generated RGB values for the Junior controller LED block
  • Updated missing blocks for Japanese-language Blockly
  • More small changes in Python generated code output and block parameters to reflect Python library

Version 2.1.1

November 8, 2023

  • Completed backend refactoring to update Blockly infrastructure. These changes will not affect your user experience, but they will help deliver a smoother update process in the future.
  • Renamed get_gyro() Senior blocks to get_angular_speed()
  • Small changes in the Python generated code output to reflect the latest library